We offer support and training in a variety of ways...
- Book training for your school - see the 'Training Options/Packages' section on the website for what kind of training we can offer
- Where 'live' training is not possible, we are now experts in 'Zoom' training sessions! We offer a Calendar of 'Zoom' training sessions for you to join in on, or we can arrange an individual 'Zoom' training for your school
- We also offer a training video to help fulfil staff training needs - recently updated for our new, revised version of Song of Sounds!
- In our 'Resources' section here on the website, there are a plethora of ideas of ways you can use the resources within your Song of Sounds kits to enhance your phonics provision
- Check out our 'Facebook' page by following the link below for an abundance of hands-on ideas
- Contact us through the website or by email on hello@songofsounds.co.uk or via our Facebook page and we will endeavour to help in any way we can!