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Song of Sounds is a DfE validated systematic synthetic phonics programme.

Song of Sounds is a child-centred, multi-sensory and creative approach to phonics that delivers results. Children make dramatic progress because the approach is exciting, interactive, and engaging but at the same time rigorous in its sequence of progression of skills and understanding. 

What does Song of Sounds include?
● A systematic synthetic phonics programme with easy-to-follow lessons plans, resources and assessment to teach Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
● Decodable reading books aligned to the teaching programme
● A plethora of high-quality, child-friendly resources
● Regular assessment points throughout the programme where children are individually assessed and next steps planned for 
● Engaging and high-quality training delivered by the programme's authors
● Authors who are classroom practitioners themselves at the end of the email address who are always happy to help their teachers and schools! 

To start your subscription or to contact us for more information please contact us on

The Department for Education’s phonics validation process ensures that schools are able to purchase comprehensive programmes with effective teaching to enable children to achieve and surpass expectations at the end of KS1. We are so proud to have been validated by the DFE and excited to introduce Song of Sounds into your school!